WATSONVILLE — Morning recess at Mintie White Elementary School took a different turn on Aug. 17, as hundreds of students gathered to celebrate their colorful new playhouse.

Located in the school’s playground, the tiny structure can fit a gaggle of children for leisure-time pursuits.

The house came thanks to a donation of money and volunteer employee labor from Monterey-based Capital Insurance Group (CIG), and materials and construction know-how from Habitat for Humanity Monterey Bay.

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization working in communities throughout the world.

The organization helps low-income people build their own home and pay affordable mortgages. It also builds armies of volunteers to assist in future building projects, many of whom have received assistance in the past.

Habitat for Humanity Monterey Bay’s Playhouse Build Program was created as a way to offer volunteer opportunities to people who cannot commit to larger construction projects.

Each playhouse takes about six hours to build, and includes a $2,500 donation for the nonprofit.

CIG CEO Arne Chatterton said such philanthropic endeavors are part of the company’s culture.

The insurance company also provided a playhouse at Seaside Elementary School, Chatterton said.

“We’re a small insurance company, and we live and work in the community,” he said. “Working with Habitat for Humanity is a great way to be involved.”


For information, visit www.habitatmontereybay.org

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